Grapevine Hotline

This free and confidential number will connect you directly to the office of Bill Polacek, President and CEO of JWF Industries. If you leave your name and phone number, you will receive a direct reply from Bill.

(814) 532-4135 or 1-800-225- WELD (9353), extension 135

Employee Directory – Dial by name at (814) 539-6922

Medical or Life-Threatening Emergencies – 911

Iron Street Guard for on-site emergency / urgent matters – Extension 333

Call Off Line – (814) 539-6922
Leave a message in the general mailbox at least ONE HOUR before your scheduled shift

Safety Concerns or Questions, Safety Specialist – (724) 875-4791

Compliance – Extension 246

Human Resources – Extension 121

Education Opportunities / Training – Extension 291