Johnstown, PA (June 2, 2023) – William C. Polacek, President & CEO of JWF Industries and JWF Defense Systems, LLC spoke at today’s Showcase for Commerce Press Conference.

“I would like to express our gratitude to our suppliers,  strategic teaming partners,  DoD customers, and most importantly, our employees, for their continued support of JWF Defense Systems and our region as is in our mantra: “The Work Fighters Supporting the War Fighters,” Polacek said.  “We are proud to be celebrating over 36 years of manufacturing excellence.” 

Contracts and awards announced today note that JWF has received over $160 Million in new contracts for 2023.  The awards are a combination of new and repeat business earned in JWF’s five primary market segments – defense, commercial, renewable energy, oil and gas, and transportation.

Defense contracts total more than $117 Million, commercial contracts total more than $22 Million, and energy contracts another $4.5 Million.  

In addition to the specific customer awards we announced individually, JWF received more than $10 Million in awards for equipment to support mobile missile launching programs.

JWF also received follow-on production awards for their vehicle assembly line that are in the tens of millions of dollars. Polacek said, “We are proud to announce that we have successfully delivered our 200th vehicle to our customer last week. This contract, amongst others being worked on, solidifies our global presence in the defense vehicle manufacturing business.”

Also announced are over $14 Million in contracts for JWF’s continued support of the turnkey commercial products being manufactured for a confidential customer serving the transportation and logistics industry – of which this customer is in the final stages of negotiations in what will be in excess of $100 million dollars to JWF. 

JWF also received $5.6 Million in new awards for construction equipment for a regional OEM manufacturer.

Energy sector highlights include $4.5 Million in awards for a confidential renewable energy generation startup company for structural components for their power generation equipment.

Polacek stated “These awards have helped us sustain 460 total jobs that are highly skilled, family-sustaining jobs, in addition to hiring an additional 53 more families in the next 12 months in Johnstown alone.  Lastly, I dedicate this announcement to our JWFamily of employee professionals, as we all know none of this can be achieved without them.  They are our biggest assets.  This is all part of our strategy to position ourselves in advance of a recession, and one example of what working together in our community looks like.”