JWF Industries is proud to announce William C. Polacek, President & CEO, is featured in the May issue of Smart Business Magazine.

In the article, Polacek says “People don’t get up in the morning trying to make mistakes. Sometimes we find they weren’t trained properly, or we need to nail down the process. Sometimes it’s just recognition that they didn’t follow the process.”

Over the years, growth spurts have affected how JWF Industries builds its workforce. “When you’re looking for 50 people in a small town, you’re not as picky as when you’re looking for five. So, it caused us a lot of headaches to be honest with you,” Polacek says. “We’d get people that would tell you what you want to hear. You maybe let some things slide that you shouldn’t have because you needed people.”

When there are problems with employees, managers need to look in the mirror. Polacek says it’s like when you see a mouthy kid in a restaurant and the fault lies with the parents who let them get to that point.

Bill’s sincerity is evident when he says, “You’re not hiring a person, you’re hiring a family. That’s a different way to look at things. So, when someone’s laid off, it’s not acceptable. It’s failure, and everybody takes it hard. My feeling on leadership is people will follow you as long as they feel you have their best interests at heart, and that is something you can’t fake. That’s the glue that’s held this organization together and allowed us to grow and get through tough times.”

William Polacek said, “It is incredibly humbling to be asked not only to be in the magazine, but to be the feature story. It speaks volumes about the capability and quality of the people at JWF Industries and lets a large metropolitan city such as Pittsburgh know the progressive businesses, people, and technology that is our community. My hope is that someone starting a business or struggling in business reads the article and is empowered by the advice to not only help their organization, but them personally as a leader.”

The Smart Business writer adds that the Take-Aways from this article are:

  • Don’t let the hunger to grow take over.
  • Keep the pulse with checks and balances.
  • Sincerity is the glue; watch for those who fake it.

The full article can be read at Smart Business Magazine online at: Bill Polacek leads JWF Industries through moments of change by staying true – Smart Business Magazine (sbnonline.com)