JWF Industries is proud to be recognized as a Top 100 Organization by PA Business Central. The company’s President and CEO, William Polacek, has also been named a Top 100 Leader for 2021.

Top 100 Organization

JWF Industries was named a Top 100 Organization by Pennsylvania Business Central for a tenth consecutive year.

“Our entire team deserves this recognition,” said William Polacek, President and CEO. “I am so proud of our employees for their professionalism, commitment to quality, our customers, and our community. We have continued to thrive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic without wavering, and are experiencing growth through new opportunities.”

JWF Industries designs, manufactures, and integrates metal centric products by growing with the right people, right processes, right markets, and right customers for our employees, our communities, and our global customers in the defense, energy, and commercial industries. Capabilities include program management, engineering, laser services, welding, forming, machining, and coatings.

For the complete Top 100 list, visit pabusinesscentral.com/top-100-organizations.

Top 100 Leader

William Polacek, President and Chief Executive Officer of JWF Industries, has again been recognized as one of Pennsylvania Business Central’s Top 100 Business People. Polacek has earned this honor eleven consecutive years, beginning in 2010.

“Thank you to Pennsylvania Business Central for this recognition,” said Polacek. “I may have received the recognition, but it is only because of our employees that I am even considered for this honor. They are what makes us successful.”  

Polacek has earned various awards and recognition for his entrepreneurial efforts in the manufacturing industry and in the community. Under his leadership, JWF Industries was named Manufacturer of the Year for two consecutive years in the oil and gas industry and recently named a 2020 Supplier of the Year for BAE SYSTEMS in the defense industry. His personal accolades include the Cambria Regional Chamber ‘Excellence in Business’ award for 2019. He has been featured in Forbes Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Pittsburgh Business Times and various local, state, and national publications and media. He was named Western Pennsylvania Entrepreneur of the Year and earned the honor as a Smart 50 Business honoree twice, as well as the cover story of Smart Business magazine in 2015 and 2021.

Committed to his community, Polacek is a founding member and chairman of Johnstown’s Vision 2025 initiative. He participates on various committees and boards throughout the region to assist business development, growth initiatives, and entrepreneurial spirit in new projects. His family founded The Polacek Family Human Needs Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to helping the less fortunate in Johnstown and the surrounding communities.

For the complete Top 100 list, visit pabusinesscentral.com/top-100-people.