JWF Industries took an extra step to recognize the efforts of its essential workers earlier this month. Each employee was given a customized bronze coin during the company’s quarterly meeting in appreciation for their continued work ethic during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“In the industries we serve, bronze coins are special and only given for top level performance,” said William Polacek, President and CEO of JWF Industries. “I had these custom coins made because our employees are excelling and giving their very best. Our employees are not only getting through this pandemic together, but we are flourishing together.”

Polacek noted that metrics the company uses for performance and quality have all increased in recent months. “We are being innovative and creative, and working together to keep everyone healthy, safe, and working. These coins are a memorabilia item for our employees, but more importantly they represent how we responded together during the pandemic.”

During the COVID pandemic, employees at JWF Industries adjusted to modified policies and protocols, continue to practice social distancing and wearing face masks, and collaborate to maintain a healthy environment. Employee appreciation lunches were provided by the company for workers, while simultaneously supporting local restaurants through bulk take-out orders. JWF CARES, an employee-run and employee-funded program, donated monetary and material supplies for school meal programs, the soup kitchen, and summer activities for youth in the area.

“Our employees made snack bags to thank the truck drivers that helped keep us productive, they implemented Wacky Wednesdays for a fun themed day each week, and they came to work with no excuses,” added Polacek. “I am so proud of our team.”