Vision Together 2025, a framework for revitalizing Greater Johnstown based upon an open, collaborative and community driven approach, has chosen new leaders to continue to move the organization and the Johnstown community forward over the next two years.

William Polacek, Chief Executive Officer of JWF Industries and JWF Defense, has been appointed Chairman of the Vision Together 2025 Board and Ethan Imhoff, Executive Director of the Cambria County Planning Commission, was named Chairman of the Vision Together 2025 Executive Committee, both for two-year terms. 

The Vision Together 2025 Board focuses on supporting the success of Vision’s nine Priority Goal teams, which include; Mentoring and Investing in Our Youth, Developing Current and Future Leaders, Improving Health and Wellness, Modernizing Infrastructure, Remediating Blight and Redeveloping Properties, Leveraging and Conserving Natural Resources, Recruiting and Retaining Businesses, Marketing and Promoting Johnstown, and Improving Government and Governance.

The Vision Together 2025 Executive Committee’s purpose is to help inform, guide and equip the larger board to effectively carry out the strategies needed to move Vision Together 2025 forward. The Chairmen have committed to serve a two-year term running through March 31, 2022.

“We are excited to have the leadership of both Bill and Ethan,” said Wally Burlack, a consultant with Vision Together 2025. “Their combination of varied public and private sector experience aligns with the multi-sector approach to the Vision Together 2025 Strategy’s implementation.  Their combined county/regional and city focus is also particularly fortuitous right now.”

“Many who love Johnstown and believe in its potential to become a new and better city have been working together for the past few years to think about the critical path to stability and regrowth, said Bill Polacek. “ A complete renewal of the Greater Johnstown area will take decades, however small, strategic investments in our people and our economy over the next five years can spark a renewed hope and commitment to a more vibrant Johnstown.

Vision Together 2025 – The Johnstown Strategy charts a holistic course for our community’s renewal.  It focuses on economic and population goals that will help stabilize and rebuild our community as a desirable place to raise a family and one that increasingly offers family-sustaining jobs.”

“All along we’ve encouraged people to get involved,” said Ethan Imhoff. “We want people to  ask themselves how they will contribute to our community’s turnaround.  What first project will benefit from your skill, knowledge or experience? There are no sidelines, we are on the field—together. Through small, steady successes, we will increase the belief and commitment to build a new economy and quality of life in Johnstown for ourselves and for the next generation.”